In 8 °, beautiful coeval binding in m. leather with corners, piece with gold title on the back; XIV, (2), 592, (2); XXIV pp. Typographical sign engraved in copper on the titlepage and coat of arms of the Volpi family at the end. Fine example. “I present to you a book that started with a drawing, continued afterwards, and ended with another. The first was to publish the simple and succinct catalog of our Domestica Libreria, in order to keep the memory of the Books in such a way over many years, with no little expense and thoughtfulness, and with particular care and affection preserved. Great therefore is the usefulness of the Catalogs of the Public and Private Libraries: and having been better known and perceived thus far by the Oltramontane Erudites, than by our Italians, although in their opinion scholars, therefore and of the one, and of the many others in their countries have published them, for the most comfortable convenience of those applied to good letters ". Very rare catalog and bibliography of the Volpi-Cominiana printing house, published in only 200 copies.